Hotels and Resorts Feeling the Heat from Marijuana Legalization
As hotels begin to reopen after the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, they are reporting increased rates of both marijuana smoking and tobacco smoking in no-smoking rooms. This is causing problems for hoteliers, as non-smoking guests are demanding cleaner air and rooms to higher standards than ever before. The RZ AIRflow is an effective and economical option for keeping the air fresh in hotel rooms. By removing marijuana smoke and other unpleasant odors from the air, the RZ AIRflow helps to create a more pleasant environment for guests.
Since marijuana legalization, hotels and resorts have been struggling to keep up with the demand for cannabis-friendly accommodations. Many hotels have implemented strict policies against smoking marijuana on their premises, which has caused some guests to look for alternative lodgings.
Regardless of whether or not a hotel allows smoking on there premises chances are one may experience the odors of marijuana during their stay. The RZ AIRflow is an effective way to remove marijuana odors from hotel rooms. This device is attached to the PTAC in the room and as the PTAC circulates the air in the room, the RZ AIRflow's active carbon filters remove the marijuana odor. The RZ AIRflow is also great for removing tobacco smoke, as well as other unpleasant odors.
Some hoteliers are now concerned that the legalization of marijuana may cause more people to bring the drug into their hotels, resulting in an increase in the amount of marijuana smoke in the air. This could potentially lead to more guests complaining about the smell of marijuana smoke, and may even result in some guests refusing to stay in a hotel that allows smoking. It remains to be seen how exactly the legalization of marijuana will impact the hotel industry, but it is something that hoteliers are certainly keeping an eye on.
As more and more hotels begin to implement the RZ AIRflow, they are seeing a decrease in the number of complaints about marijuana smoke and other unpleasant odors. This is resulting in increased customer satisfaction, as well as increased revenue. Because the RZ AIRflow helps to create a more pleasant environment for guests, hoteliers are finding that fewer guests are demanding refunds or free nights due to odor issues. Additionally, because the RZ AIRflow prevents the spread of marijuana smoke, hoteliers are also seeing an increase in the number of guests who are willing to stay in cannabis-friendly accommodations. This is resulting in a positive financial impact for hotels that have installed the RZ AIRflow.
Overall, the legalization of marijuana is causing some problems for hotels and resorts. However, the RZ AIRflow is an effective solution for removing marijuana smoke and other unpleasant odors from the air. This helps to create a more pleasant environment for guests, and may even help to reduce the risk of guests complaining about the smell of marijuana smoke.
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