How to Improve Your Hotel's Air Quality to Meet Consumer Demand

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As the world becomes more aware of the dangers of poor air quality, hotels are under increasing pressure to improve the air quality in their rooms. A survey by Carbon Lighthouse found that 77% of consumers would consider a hotel’s air quality when deciding where to stay, and 52% would be willing to pay more for better air quality.

This is good news for hotels that are making an effort to improve their air quality, as they can now charge a premium for their rooms. However, it also means that hotels that don’t make an effort to improve their air quality will be at a disadvantage.

Despite the increasing importance of air quality to consumers, not enough hotels are equipped with the systems to provide data-driven insights on their air quality. This means that many hotels are at a disadvantage when it comes to meeting consumer demand. Data-driven insights are essential for hotels to identify areas where they need to improve their air quality.

Having good filters and HVAC systems in place is obviously necessary for good air quality, but the consumer appetite for up-to-date information on air quality is also important. This means that hotels need to provide their guests with up-to-date information on the air quality in their rooms. This will help to ensure that guests are satisfied with the air quality and that they continue to choose to stay at the hotel.

As the importance of air quality becomes more widely recognized, it is becoming mandated for hotels to improve their enclosed spaces' air purification. This is because showing care for guests' overall health and well-being is becoming increasingly important in terms of good customer service. Guests expect to be able to breathe clean air when they stay at a hotel, and if hotels don't meet this expectation, they will lose business. Air purification is not a luxury anymore; it's a necessity. Hotels that don't make an effort to improve their air quality will find themselves at a disadvantage.

The most efficient way to improve HVAC filtration is with MERV-13 upgrades; however, it can be expensive overhaul an entire system. Hotels should avoid this by making upgrades existing systems whenever possible. By making upgrades to existing systems, hotels can improve their air quality without incurring the high costs of a complete system overhaul.


The RZ AIRflow is an innovative product that can improve the air quality in any room, making it perfect for hotels. The RZ AIRflow quickly attaches to the PTAC unit in each room and doesn't use any additional energy or make any additional noise. The up to 99.7% effective HEPA filter removes dust, pollen, mold spores, and other airborne particles from the air. The odor-removing active carbon filter also helps to freshen the air. This makes it one of the most effective ways to improve air quality in a hotel room. The RZ AIRflow is also very easy to install and requires no maintenance, making it a very economical option for hotels. The RZ AIRflow is an excellent choice for hotels looking to improve their air quality.

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Overall, it is clear that the importance of air quality is increasing for both consumers and hotels. Hotels need to make sure that they are taking steps to improve their air quality in order to meet consumer demand and avoid being at a disadvantage. Data-driven insights are essential for hotels to identify areas where they need to improve their air quality, and providing guests with up-to-date information on the air quality in their rooms is also important. Making upgrades to existing systems is a more efficient way for hotels to improve their air quality, and by doing so, they can provide their guests with clean air and peace of mind.